How to Make Calendula Diaper Rash Cream

How to Make Calendula Diaper Rash Cream

Having a diaper rash on your baby's bottom can sometimes be difficult to treat. There are a plethora of diaper rash creams on the market, but how do you know which one to choose?

And then are you even sure those ingredients are safe to use on your precious baby's bottom? Why not make your own diaper rash cream, keep reading and you can learn how to make your own calendula diaper rash cream at home. 

cute baby kissing up at the camera while lying on his tummy with a grey background

Benefits of Homemade Diaper Rash Cream

So what makes this diaper rash cream better than store bought diaper rash cream? Well, for starters, you will know exactly what ingredients you are putting into that cream and where those ingredients came from. 

But even more importantly how can these herbal ingredients help my baby's diaper rash, what makes them so special?

Calendula flowers are known for their healing properties are excellent to use on angry, inflamed skin.

Whereas beeswax is helpful against yeast overgrowth and can be used as a barrier against moisture.

And then we have the Lavender which is oh so soothing on baby's irritated bottom.

Let's not forget about the 6 drops of vitamin E oil, which will protect the skin cells from damage. 

image of a bunch of herbs in different wooden bowls with herbs scattered in between the bowls and amber bottles in the background


1 cup of infused calendula oil

1/4 cup beeswax

1 Tbsp dried calendula flowers

1 Tbsp dried lavender buds

6 drops of vitamin e oil

*Of course, generally these herbs are regarded as safe for use with babies and children, but please double check with your pediatrician before use and always do a patch res on the baby's hand or arm to be sure there will be no allergic reaction.

bowl of calendula flowers next to a bottle of oil with calendula flowers in the forefront all on a table with green grass in the background

Making Calendula Infused Oil

First step in making this homemade diaper rash cream, you gotta make the calendula infused oil.

It's typically best to use dried calendula flowers when making infused oil. If you don't have access to any, you can buy dried calendula flowers from Herbal Rose Apothecary. 

Place the dried calendula flowers into a pint jar approximately 3/4 of the way full. Then add carrier oil (sweet almond oil is my go to choice).

Fill the jar approximately 1-2 inches from the top or until all dried flowers are submerged completely in the oil. Then cap the jar with a lid and shake.

Store in a dry, cool place for 4-6 weeks. 

If you don't have time to wait 4-6 weeks you can use the oven infusion method that is much quicker. 

*Oven Infusion Method

Preheat oven to 120-140 degrees farenheit.

Place herbs and oil in sterilized, dry oven proof dish and use a sterilized spoon to mix herbs and oil thoroughly so all surfaced of the herbs are coated with oil and no air bubbles remain.

Place herb-filled dish in the oven uncovered for 4-8 hours.

Take out and let cool, then transfer to jar/bottle for long term storage. 

calendula flowers being dropped into a silver pot of liquid with dried calendula flowers in background.

Making the Diaper Rash Salve

Once you have the calendula infused oil place it into a pot on low heat with the rest of the herbs and infuse for approximately 10 minutes, making sure not to boil.

Then add in beeswax. 

Stir occasionally until beeswax is completely melted. 

Then strain out the herbs using a cheesecloth/muslin bag into a glass measuring cup. 

This part you must do quickly as the beeswax will start to harden once it is taken off of the heat. 

Then pour the strained oil beeswax mixture into jars/tins for long term storage. 

Allow the salve to cool for several hours.

an Ariel view of calendula salve in a dark colored jar with lid with white background


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